The EEIGM programme
The EEIGM programme was created in 1991 by the Materials departments of three European universities:
- University of Lorraine, EEIGM, Lorraine-INP in Nancy, France
- Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona in Spain
- University of Saarlands, Saarbrücken in Germany
- LTU : Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
- UPV : Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
- Montanuniversität, Leoben, Autriche
EEIGM offers a 5-year integrated engineering/Master’s programme. French and international students spend the first two years of their studies in their home country (3 years in Spain) and then come to Nancy for 3 semesters of study.
Depending on their choice of specialisation, students continue their studies with 1 semester of courses and 1 research project (6 months) in one of the Consortium’s partner universities. They finish their studies with an industrial placement in a company anywhere in the world.
At the end of their studies, they all obtain a French materials engineering diploma, recognised and co-signed by the founding universities, and have the possibility of obtaining a double or even triple diploma, depending on the course chosen.