As with the traditional route, the apprenticeship route is accredited by the Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur and leads to the same diploma co-signed by 4 European universities.

The dual status of apprentice and student means that you can put your theoretical knowledge into practice, gain professional experience and earn a salary, while retaining the right to university restaurants and accommodation.

Accessible after a bac+2 or bac+3, the course lasts 3 years and includes 36 weeks abroad:

  • a 4-week language placement (in English, German or Spanish) in 3rd year
  • a 10-week research placement in a laboratory at a partner university in 4th year
  • a 10-week study period in Luleå (Sweden) and a 12-week end-of-studies placement, which can be undertaken anywhere in the world, in 5th year.


in school

  • 68 weeks
  • 10 sequences
  • 1714 hours of training: 1124 hours in France and 590 hours abroad
  • 100 ECTS

in the workplace

  • 88 weeks
  • 14 sequences
  • 3080 hours of training: 2660 hours in France and 420 hours abroad
  • 80 ECTS